Police (Dial 100)Calcutta Police (now renamed Kolkata Police) has been the city's primary law enforcement agency since its inception in 1840. The police headquarters are located at 18 Lalbazar Street, next to Dalhousie Square and there are nearly 50 police stations located within the corporation limits. Calcutta Police has a fairly elaborate website at http://www.kolkatapolice.org. This website has contact information for all the police stations and also allows online crime reporting and download of forms. There is also a website for the Traffic Police at http://www.kolkatatrafficpolice.com which gives details about traffic conditions in the city. Outside the city, these tasks are performed by the West Bengal Police whose website is located at http://www.wbpsbr.com. Fire (Dial 101)The Calcutta Fire Department has fire stations located across the city to provide fire protection coverage throughout the city. Ambulance (Dial 102) |