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In the last chapter we have talked about the little towns
on the banks of the Ganges that Europeans of several nationalities built, mainly
between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. We did not mention the activity
of one important nationality, who, we shall see, have contributed most to the
creation of Calcutta. They are the English and we talk about them now.
Coat of Arms of the East India Company
at the time it established trade relations with Bengal and founded Calcutta. |
The East India Company was formed in 1600 in London by
appointment of Queen Elizabeth I. The English began trading shortly afterwards
but did not venture into Bengal until about fifty years later. The East India
Company established its factories at the old Portuguese settlement of Satgaon
near Hooghly and at Cassimbazar and English Bazar, modern day Maldah. Each of
these settlements was, however, progressively rendered inaccessible to larger
ships and a new site was requested from the Nawab of Bengal, who still served as
the governor for the Mogul Empire. In 1687, the East India Company was offered
the village of Uluberia, but the Company rejected the proposal, as the village
was too prone to silting. The Company suggested another location, the village of
Sutanuti, already a trading post, to which the Emperor accepted.

The head office of the East India Company
in London |

Coat of Arms of the East India Company at
the time it established trade relations with Bengal and founded Calcutta. |
Job Charnock, represented the East India Company when the
"factory" of East India Company opened at the village of Sutanuti on
August 24, 1690. In 1692, the settlement at Satgaon was moved to Sutanuti. In
1696, Emperor Aurungzeb granted permission to the Company to fortify their
possessions in Sutanuti. Fortification meant added security to traders and
far-sighted Armenian traders realized that the Company was in a position to
provide better security than the Dutch in Chinsurah. They financed the Company's
purchase of Sutanuti and the neighboring villages of Kolikata and Gobindopur
from the Sabarna Roy Chowdhury family of landlords in 1698. Construction of Fort
William was completed in 1699, and Calcutta, as the union of three villages came
to be known was born.

Job Charnock probably met such a fruit
seller in Sutanuti, not far from the present day fruit market at Mechuabazar. |
Even though the site of Calcutta was not prone to silting
and was happily separated from other rival European settlements by the Ganges,
it had its distinctive disadvantages. Calcutta was located next to a huge salt
water lake, which besides being a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flooded during
the rains and when they dissipated, they left in their wake fish that died and
putrefied on the streets causing epidemics of cholera and malaria. More than a
third of the European population perished in such plagues. This earned Calcutta
the sobriquet of "Charnock's Folly" and the "Chance Erected
City". Nevertheless, the settlement of Calcutta flourished because of the
excellent trade prospects. In 1707, Calcutta became large enough to become a
separate Presidency reporting directly to the Board of Directors of the Company
in London.

Job Charnock probably met such a fruit
seller in Sutanuti, not far from the present day fruit market at Mechuabazar. |
Calcutta's rapid growth forced the Company to seek more
land from the Mogul Empire. A delegation led by Dr. Hamilton, a surgeon, visited
the court of Emperor Farrucksiyar in Delhi in 1715. The Emperor at that time was
indisposed due to an illness, which the surgeon was able to cure. The delighted
emperor confirmed the rights of the Company to trade in Bengal and granted
ownership of thirty-seven townships on both sides of the Ganges, including the
fairly large town of Howrah, just across Calcutta, a stretch of nine miles
(fifteen kilometers). Calcutta was at that time plagued by bands of Mahratta
marauders who often attacked the town to rob and pillage. Since the Mahrattas
were enemies of the waning Mogul Empire, too, the Company had no have trouble to
get permission to build a moat around the town. This moat, called the Mahratta
ditch, was built in 1742.
By the middle of the eighteenth century, Calcutta was a
large city, with a fort that contained a chapel, now the site of the St. John's
Church, a building to house the clerks, better known as writers then, and
jetties to dock the ships. These docks had names like Koilaghat (Koila:Coal;
Ghat:Wharf). The hostel for the writers was rebuilt later and continues to this
day as the Writer's Building, the seat of the state secretariat.

The typical employee of the East India
Company, more commonly referred to as 'East Indiaman' or 'factor' carried
with him such a chest, with pen, ink and paper in order to carry out his
business. |
At about this time the East India Company's interests
diversified into more dangerous areas. The weakening of the Mogul Empire led to
Bengal becoming a virtually independent state under its Nawab. When Nawab
Alivardi Khan died in 1756 without a male heir, the Company tried to finance the
Nawab's widow against his grandson, Siraj-ud-daulah. The Company's inexperience
in such matters was obvious, as Sirajuddaulah succeeded as the new Nawab. The
first major decision by the new teenager Nawab was to order the Company to pull
down its fortifications. The Nawab also asked the Company to surrender the
advisor of the Begum, who had sought asylum in Calcutta. When the Company flatly
refused to comply, the Nawab marched to Calcutta and beseiged the city on June
16, 1756. Governor Drake and a few survivors escaped and sought refuge in the
Sunderban forests, south of Calcutta, at a place called Falta, now the site of
an industrial park. Calcutta fell to the Nawab after four days. English troops
were rounded up and squeezed into a tiny room in Fort William, with only a small
window for ventilation. By what we know of the climate of Calcutta, temperatures
may have been as high as 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). By the next
morning 123 of the 146 soldiers died. This incident, called The Black Hole, has
been disputed by historians as being highly exaggerated. Whatever, the truth may
have been, a memorial to the Black Hole was built later near the site, which was
opposite the present day General Post Office. It was however, moved to the St.
John's Church in 1940 and stands there to this day besides the tomb of Job
Charnock, the founder of the city.

Wall hanging from the Company school
shows company factor negotiating with local nobles. |
The fall of the largest of the European settlements in
Bengal was only temporary, needless to say. The English returned to resurrect
the city, and build their empire.